Easy Chicken Taco Filling

In my new-found desire to eat cheaply, I went to ALDI the other day. I bought some bonless, skinless chicken breasts ($2.99 a lb), some canned tuna ($0.69 a can) and a jar of salsa (the price of which I forget, but it couldn’t possibly be as expensive as the Sadie’s Salsa that I am waiting to arrive from Albuquerque). I simmered the chicken breasts until they were cooked, then shredded two of them to make a taco filling. I put some of the salsa in a skillet, then added the chicken and stirred it to mix all the salsa throughout. If you want, you can add 3/4 cup of chicken stock and simmer until it’s evaporated – this will add flavor to the chicken – I didn’t do that this time, and the chicken seems fine. This simple-minded way of making a taco filling yields good results if the salsa is not overly tomato-y, or too sweet. The Sadie’s Salsa I usually use is best, of course, coming, as it does, from Sadie’s Restaurant in Albuquerque, but it is not cheap, especially after you add the cost of shipping! However – if you’re like me and have to have your salsa, you may think it’s worth it (I do!).

After you make taco filling, you can make tacos! Here’s what mine looked like:

I softened some tortillas in hot oil (dry them between paper towels), then added to each some chicken taco filling and grated cheese. I then fried them in just a bit of oil to crisp them, then topped them off with shredded lettuce, pickled carrots and salsa.

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